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What Is Charcoal Filter Chimney?

There are many ways that kitchen chimneys filter the different particles from the food we prepare. Also, the type of chimney filter you pick will affect the cleanliness of your kitchen all day.

The charcoal chimney is a popular type of chimney filter that is useful in kitchens all over the world. Do you think it’s the ideal fireplace filter for you? Let’s find out!

Charcoal filter chimney

Charcoal filter chimney

Charcoal chimneys consist of charcoal slates and holes that are placed are arranged in a manner that will serve their purpose. The holes are made to absorb grease and oil, and smoke particles, which will then either capture or expel them.

The charcoal filter can do the exhaustion job with a vengeance in addition to being environmentally friendly and freshening the air inside the room.

In contrast to the baffle or mesh filter, which requires maintenance, charcoal filters aren’t washable. They can be quite noisy, and the filter, as it isn’t maintained, has to be replaced every 3-4 months based on the amount of use you make to the kitchen stove or hob. Charcoal chimneys are considered to be costly, especially when compared to Mesh kind filters.

Charcoal filters are, in fact, an optional filter that works with Baffle or cassette filters. The effectiveness of the filter is determined by the thickness of the filter and the type of charcoal it’s made from.

It’s a small amount of money for an added feature; however, if you have the money and use your stove regularly in commercial kitchens, you’ll make the most of it.

The advantages of Charcoal filter

The advantages of Charcoal filter

The natural Chimney Carbon Filter: This carbon filter is constructed from wood, coal, and other natural substances. No chemicals or other chemicals have been added into the air, which means it has an organic filtration process.

The main benefit of charcoal filters is that it increases the efficiency of a baffle or cassette filter. If added to the filters’ layers, they are more effective at absorbing oil and grease and also eliminate steam, smoke, and odour. It can improve your health and also enjoy the advantages of breathing fresh air.

Chimney charcoal filters effectively eliminate certain microorganisms and other carbon-based biochemical and chemical disinfectants. This includes toxic pollutants such as allergens or chlorine, thus lessening the health risk. When compared with other filters for chimneys, this one is eco-friendly.

How can we replace the chimney charcoal filter?

How can we replace the chimney charcoal filter

  • The first and second layers of filtering from your chimney.
  • Then remove the old Charcoal filters from your chimney.
  • Make sure you install new filters for charcoal into the chimney.
  • Install the layer again within their fonts on the chimney.

If you want to learn more, you can visit our guide about when should I replace my chimney filter.

How do you clean a chimney for a charcoal filter?

How do you clean a chimney for a charcoal filter

Charcoal chimneys for filtering are ineffective when they are saturated and absorb water. Changing the filters before they get to this point is essential. There is no reason to maintain the filter in a normal manner. So, the filter needs to be replaced in 3-4 months. Based on the amount you cook with your stove or chalk, you should replace it.

The chimney filter will create carbon, soaking up moisture and grease during cooking. Make use of this filter to avoid unpleasant smells from the kitchen.

Be aware that carbon filters cannot be cleaned; they must be changed. In terms of the anti-odour function of this filter, water immersion could likely harm them, resulting in the loss of their purifying qualities!

Maintaining and cleaning your hood may be challenging due to difficulties in disassembling it.

Are charcoal filters and carbon filters the same thing in Kitchen Chimney?

Are charcoal filters and carbon filters the same thing in Kitchen Chimney

Carbon filter and charcoal filter are two different terms for the same thing – a device used to eliminate smoke, grease, or other particles out of air. Many people believe they’re, in fact, two distinct things, but in reality, they’re one and identical.

The charcoal filter is composed of activated carbon. It is a charcoal that has been treated with gas to improve its porosity. The result is that it’s more efficient at capturing particles from the air. Carbon filters are constructed from the same materials used to make a charcoal filter; however, they are not treated with gas.

The two types of filters function by trapping particles in the air. The activated carbon inside the filter draws smoke, grease, and other harmful substances. This can improve the air quality inside your kitchen or home.

Charcoal filter chimney price

Charcoal filter chimney price

Charcoal chimneys are fairly affordable, like other chimney filters available on markets. Be sure to consider the size and brand of a chimney before purchasing it. Charcoal filter chimneys can cost anywhere from 1,000-2000 rupees. Take a look at the chimney’s charcoal filter online price list.

But charcoal filters are another characteristic of this chimney. It helps eliminate odours from kitchens by absorbing moisture and grease during cooking.

But, this feature can’t be maintained. It is recommended to replace it within a few days. The chimneys that use charcoal filters are costly to maintain. Most ductless chimneys that have charcoal filters are on the market. Faber & Elica Brandes some chimney models come with charcoal filters.

If you’re serious about improving your kitchen, we believe you should consider using this filter for charcoal.

Other types of Chimney Filters

Other types of Chimney Filters

With the development of technology, new features and components are added to chimneys, which improve their use and effectiveness significantly over time. Currently, there are three kinds of filter chimneys on the market: Mesh Filter, Baffle Filter, and Charcoal Filter. To assist our readers, we’ll give you the details of the three types of chimneys.

Mesh Filter

Mesh Filter

Many layers of Mesh hold the oil particles and grease smoke and eliminate any resting smoke. Mesh holes become blocked by oil and grease particles, resulting in a decrease in suction capacity. Aluminium or stainless steel is utilized as a cassette filter. 

The cassette filters made of stainless steel are costly compared to aluminium filters. However, the cassette filter made of aluminium is less heavy and easier to work with. 

Still, careful cleaning is necessary, while stainless steel is heavier and difficult to work with. Still, cleaning is simple. A clean chimney can be cleaned using dishwashing liquid or baking soda. You should wash it at least once per week. By our Indian food habits, mesh or cassette filters aren’t appropriate for us.

  • The Mesh filter is light, so removing the Mesh filter from the chimney is a breeze.
  • Mesh filters are less expensive than baffle filters.
  • A cassette filter blocks airflow and produces extra noise compared to baffle filters.
  • It is essential to clean the area every week, at least once. Occasionally, grease or oil that sticks to mesh threads can catch fire. Cleaning mesh filters is more complicated than cleaning baffle filters.

Charcoal Filter

Charcoal Filter

Charcoal filters are utilized as an alternative to primary filters, such as baffle and mesh filters, to capture particles that remain throughout the air. The name implies that these filters are made from charcoal. The absorption capacity of these filters is dependent on the size of the filter as well as the charcoal particles.

  • The carbon filter used in conjunction with the baffle filter cassette can improve the efficiency of the best kitchen chimneys.
  • Because carbon filters cannot be washed, the user must replace them every 2 and 3 months based on their use. Replacement of carbon filters will add to the cost of maintenance.

Baffle Filter

Baffle Filter

The baffle functions as a flow control panel. The panel is composed of numerous curves where air flows, and during this process, the panel keeps the grease and oil particles inside it. Most baffle filters are made of stainless steel. 

Baffle filters made from aluminium are sold in the market, but they are not often. Because oil particles are grease, they do not block airflow. Therefore it will not impact suction force. It is recommended to clean the kitchen chimney filter every 3-4 weeks. Best suitable filter for Indian cooking habits.

  • Baffle filters are more sturdy than cassette filters.
  • Baffle filter chimneys are the best for Indian food items that contain Masala food items. It is simple to find a baffle chimney, just look up the product’s description and look on the internet for a baffle.
  • Improved airflow and, therefore, more effective suction power of the motor.
  • Baffle filters are easier to maintain and clean than mesh filters. Baffle filters are dishwasher-safe.
  • More expensive than its cassette filter.
  • Baffle filters can be heavier, and removing baffle filters from the chimney can be difficult. Since baffle filters aren’t likely to be cleaned monthly, this issue can be nil.

How to Choose the Right Chimney Filter?

How to Choose the Right Chimney Filter

However, the primary function of the auto-clean chimney could remain the same regardless of the type you select. But, we can all be one in that no one would want to spend the time and maintenance effort when it is possible to avoid it.

The kind of food you cook and the duration of cooking will determine the best chimney for you. If you’re by yourself or have a small household with less than 3-4 people, a mesh chimney will be the most suitable for you as the cooking time will be lower. Additionally, the Mesh will require less maintenance.

If you are part of a large family or are likely to cook many oily and spicy food items, a chimney made of baffles is more appropriate since it’s more efficient in dealing with the smoke and grease produced when cooking meals.

Naturally, when you cook more frequently and the frequency of cooking increases, the filter will be used more frequently, which means that its effectiveness decreases over time if not cleaned at regular intervals. 

A baffle chimney can be used for cooking heavy-duty for longer durations and is more efficient than a mesh chimney.

In terms of carbon filters involved, it’s an addition to the other two options and isn’t an individual variant currently. To sum up, all chimney types have their own advantages and drawbacks.

This comparison does not indicate which is superior to the others. The issue here isn’t to determine the “best filters” but to discover the “filter that is most suitable on your behalf.” Enjoy your smoke-free and oil-free cooking!


A charcoal filter chimney for your kitchen is a fantastic option for your house if you’re seeking ways to enhance indoor air quality. They can trap harmful gasses and particles from your cooker’s smoke and can improve your family’s overall health. 

They are not only healthy for you, but they also can add style to your kitchen’s décor. If you’re interested in purchasing a charcoal filtering kitchen chimney, research to determine the ideal one that meets your requirements.

Ravi K.

Ravi has been exploring electronics, creating custom PCBs, programming lower levels of hardware, structures & durability of various household and kitchen products, and a lot more for a long. His expertise ranges from basic technology to more advanced programming in artificial Intelligence and machine learning.

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