Does Oat Milk Need to Be Refrigerated?

Oat milk has not been that popular in India in recent times, but in a couple of years, it has gained great popularity because of its plant-based goodness and creamy texture. So the question is about its storage. You have opened it and kept it at room temperature. What if you have not opened it? Does it need refrigeration? Are…


Do You Refrigerate Vodka? BEWARE

No matter if you are a drinking enthusiast or just a casual drinker, I know very well this question might have hit your mind at least at some point in time. Do you refrigerate vodka? Is it really safe to do that? Well, today, we are going to explore a bit of the science behind vodka refrigeration and what practical…


Do Pickled Eggs Need to Be Refrigerated?

Well, the short answer is that pickled eggs can be and should be refrigerated, especially after opening their jar. This way, they remain safe to eat for a very long period of time. The pickling process actually adds acidity that wards off the bacteria. However, refrigeration is the key to preserving the eggs' quality and safety for long periods. Let…


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